Gorsedd Stone Circles

Interested in lesser known historical sites throughout Wales? Join me as I travel around Wales gathering photos and information on the currently misunderstood Gorsedd Stone Circles, showing the beautiful landscapes through the lens of Welsh heritage.

How to Navigate This Website

Above in the navigation there are a few sections to choose from. I have attempted to make the navigation of this site as easy as possible, with particular sections for each aspect of importance to this project.

Click here to learn about the Eisteddfod, its history and how the Gorsedd stone circles play their part.

The Blog Posts

Click here for

of my travels and the experiences of the Gorsedd stone circles

About the Author

Click here to learn more about me and my reasons for creating this blog

Survey Finished

Click here for resources to learn more


This website is a work in progress, and as such a lot of the sections will not be complete yet and I do apologise if the automatic Welsh translation, as well as any information is inaccurate and I will be endeavoring to rectify any mistakes present over the next few weeks. Thank you for your understanding.

Click here for a link to my social media to see more pictures and contact others who are interested

Type in your email address and any queries you may have and I will get back to you as soon as I can